White Oak Pastures is a 3200 acre farm in Blufton Georgia that has been run by the same family for 6 generations. They are leaders in “regenerative farming ” which relies on natural processes, instead of hormones, chemicals or disruptive Ag methods. It builds soil health, enhances ecosystem diversity, and shuns most practices used by CAFOs.

White Oak raises, butchers and sells grass-fed beef, goats, lamb, pork, turkey, chicken, duck, geese, guinea, and rabbit. It also produces 60 varieties of organic vegetables, grown without use of synthetic fertilizers or pesticides, and with limited tillage.

While most meats in the U.S. are purchased in supermarket and grocery stores, there are a number of industry factors in play that favors small farms that operate similarly to White Oaks Pastures. That said, one of the most interesting things about White Oaks is not it’s selection of meats but instead it’s the story of its proprietor, Will Harris. It makes no difference whether you’re a meat lover or a vegetarian, Will story is inspiring and well told in a short documentary titled “One Hundred Thousand Beating Hearts”. White Oaks Pastures also runs a pretty good YouTube channel of their own.