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A Food Industry Web Guide

Exactly what is precision agriculture?

Precision agriculture - also called precision farming, digital agriculture and sometimes "smart farming" - is a management strategy that encourages the precise use of resources, technology and farming practices to increase the accuracy, efficiency, yields, quality, profitability and sustainability of agricultural production. That's a fairly simple definition of the term. The truth [...]

2023-11-22T09:29:28-05:00February , 2022|

Why the orange juice market is struggling

The orange juice market is facing challenges primarily because of problems in Florida. The state is second only to Brazil in global orange juice production. Historically, Florida has produced more than 70 percent of the United States' supply of citrus. In most seasons, more than 90 percent of America's orange juice is [...]

2022-02-09T12:54:42-05:00February , 2022|

The FAO Food Price Index explained simply

There are countless media reports on changes to global food prices and most are based on monthly data released by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). Specifically, they refer to changes in the FAO Food Price Index (FFPI). The FAO Food Price Index is a measure of change [...]

2023-11-22T09:29:29-05:00February , 2022|

Top Indoor Vertical Farming Companies

Vertical indoor farming is growing up and as it does some companies are emerging as major players. As of 2021,  over 2,000 vertical farms were in operation in the U.S. While more than 60 percent of these are owned by small growers, the market seems ready to invest in some winners. The [...]

2023-11-22T09:31:22-05:00February , 2022|

Industry report warns Milkflation is here to stay

The dominant features of the U.S. dairy markets are tighter milk production, record export volumes, higher prices, sluggish domestic consumption, and dropping inventories. This, according to a report from the National Milk Producers Federation,  means a decreasing milk supply. Further, it predicts that inventory levels are not going to recover in the [...]

2023-11-22T09:31:24-05:00January , 2022|

What is 3D Food Printing?

3D food printing is a process that utilizes 3D printer technology to create edible products and meals from raw ingredients like chocolates, cheese, doughs, gels, or even pureed fruits and vegetables. It works by layering the food materials to create a 3D shape. There are a variety of printing techniques but the [...]

2023-11-22T09:31:26-05:00January , 2022|
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